No Fancy Tag Line Here…

So I had all these potential topics to sit down and write about saved in a list on my phone.  Since I am usually running around this glorious City, if something happens or I suddenly get an idea I just jot it down in my notes app to check out later when I'm blogging. To … Continue reading No Fancy Tag Line Here…

Accidental Inspiration

I have been thinking about motivation and inspiration frequently over the last couple of weeks. Take a minute to think about what really inspires you. Did something immediately pop into your head? Are you stuck trying to come up with a more poetic answer? I realized recently that some of the best forms of inspiration … Continue reading Accidental Inspiration

How My January’s Been Going…

How is it about to be February?! I think this may be the first year of my life where January actually has flown by.  Anyone else? Just me? While January is one of my least favorite months and I am definitely not mad at it being closer to spring, I feel like time is slipping … Continue reading How My January’s Been Going…

19 For 2019

Hellllloooooo 2019! It is definitely going to be a conscious effort for me to go from typing that 9 instead of 8! So many people hate on New Year's resolutions but I actually am very into them.  I think most people claim they can't stand resolutions because they haven't ever really been able to make … Continue reading 19 For 2019

The Best Gift I’ve Ever Gotten

Tis' the season to talk about...and get stressed out about...GIFTS!  Regardless if you celebrate Christmas or not, all of us have given or received some kind of gift in our lifetime.  Some of us truly love gift-giving while some of us totally dread it.  Personally I genuinely love giving people presents.  I get especially excited … Continue reading The Best Gift I’ve Ever Gotten

T’was the Night Before Christmas…

T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring... not even the dog! In fact, just moments ago it was a full house and now it is just me, the dog, and my parents' laptop. I am down at my parents house in South Carolina for my much-needed vacation. … Continue reading T’was the Night Before Christmas…

Nerdy By Nature

This past weekend I knew that I really needed some time to myself.  Now I actually miss being bored! I took all of Saturday to do exactly what I wanted without feeling obligated to tackle my to-do list (which always seems to be a mile long).  In theory this was a stellar idea and just what … Continue reading Nerdy By Nature